SideKick Ball Mastery Program is a player development program Phil Bergen has developed to provide SCOR Travel and Premier soccer players with the additional means to improve individual technique. The Program offers level I and Level II. Level I accommodates U10-U12 while Level II accommodates U13-U16 and above. The process will demand that coaches instruct accordingly and have players “Do It!” and we will “Test It!” & “Track It!” so that we can monitor our players’ progress or lack of. Testing and tracking will be done during the tryout period. Details are provided online at:
SideKick Level 1
SideKick Level 2
SideKick Level 3
SideKick Level 1
SideKick Level 2
SideKick Level 3
The TES Fit-to-Play (formerly Fitness Solutions) initiative will specifically address players’ agility, strength and endurance throughout the year. Testing of player’s fitness level will be measured and tracked at the beginning of the season and at tryouts.
The tests will include the Intermittent Beep Test, Core-strength Test and the Cooper Test. In addition to the regular daily agenda, every practice session will include 15 minutes of intense fitness that addresses the demands of a competitive environment. TES will also provide supplemental clinic-like sessions during the in-seasons, winter and summer breaks. There is a general need for our players to become better athletes and in doing so they will become better well-rounded players. Details are provided online at Fit-to-Play |
This most important initiative encourages youth players to take the time to watch the details of a perfectly demonstrated shot, pass or dribble over and over again so that they themselves can execute specific technical duties quicker with improved accuracy and strength. Without having the visual example to reference repetitiously, progress will be slower than it should be. Currently, we have one example of shooting.
Details are provided online at "Watch It Again!" |
I have short video clips of moves players might want to try and own. They are simple and yet effective because one can use them in game situations and/or as agility and flexibility exercises. More of these moves will be added as coaches and players submit them.
Details are provided online at SideTips |
This initiative has the DoC take video footage of games, document them, analyse these games and then highlights several moments on video worth bringing to the attention of players at a before hand scheduled meeting. Attendance at these meetings will be optional but highly encouraged. Tactical insight to the various moments in the game can be improved by having these moments broken down and provided as examples.
Details are provided online at GameWatch |
The 'Recreational SCOR Soccer Coaching' page provides level appropriate activities for the volunteer coach in need of assistance when preparing for the next practice session.
Assistance is available at Recreational SCOR Soccer Coaching |